LHS Theatre Company Moves on to Semi Finals
March 15, 2019

Scene from The Girl in the White Pinafore
After months and months of preparation and rigorous hours of rehearsal and set construction, the Leominster High School Theatre Company made it to Semifinals with their Festival show, The Girl in the White Pinafore.
The Girl in the White Pinafore is a story about the New London School explosion that happened in 1937 in New London, Texas. The LHSTC will be traveling to Framingham High school to compete with 5 other schools in hope to be one of the two schools that move on to Finals.
Festival is a competition for different schools throughout the state to compete with 40 minute plays, and is put on by the Massachusetts Educational Theater Guild (METG). About 112 schools within the state compete at 14 different host sights with 8 schools performing at each.
LHS is lucky enough to be able to host the first round of the competition, the Preliminary Round. From each prelim site, 3 schools move on to the Semifinals and LHS is moving on to the next round.