Beloved Science Teacher Rebecca Hasson Passes Away
March 28, 2019
This month, Leominster High School lost a beloved faculty member, Rebecca Hasson.
Hasson was a science teacher for Leominster High School since 2003 and recently served as the head of the science department.
In an email to staff and parents, Leominster Principal Steve Dubzinski said of Hasson “Becky was a beloved member of our school community and a fixture in our science department for the past 16 years. The memories of her years of dedication to her students, vibrant personality, and genuine love of LHS have left an indelible mark on our lives. She always spoke of the tight community and her close connection to students and colleagues; she truly loved her profession and her school.”
Mrs. Hasson has been battling cancer for years, but worked until very recently for the sake of the students. The students interviewed agreed that shows a dedication and love of her job and the students.
LHS Sophomore Claudia Beaudoin was in the room when the students were told. “When they told us about Mrs. Hasson I saw students cry, people who you never think would cry, had to leave the room, they were so upset. I felt so bad.”
LHS Senior Hannah Cormier had her for Chemistry her sophomore year and said of Hasson, “She was funny all the time.”
Thomas Noviello, the current head of the science department reacted to her passing, saying, it is a “big loss for the staff and the students.”
Mr. Noviello continued that he will remember her for “her laugh. It was an infectious laugh.”
Fellow teacher and close friend Sandra Cucchiara recalled her friend. They traveled together, they laughed together, they were even prom dates countless times she explained. Cucchiara’s favorite thing about Hasson was that “She loved to travel…She was full of energy…She could not sit down…She would be the one to pull you out of bed to go do stuff.”
Cucchiara said she has so many positive memories. “She was witty, with a sharp sense of humor, high energy, and loved to laugh.”
Claudia said “She always put her best in, even when she was sick…I think she really just enjoyed it. She was a good teacher.”