EDITORIAL: The Dividing Line Caused by Covid-19
May 17, 2020
As the Covid-19 outbreak continues in the United States, people all across the country have started to share their thoughts on the issue. With the increased discussion, a divide amongst Americans has developed regarding the efforts being made to combat the virus and return to normalcy as soon as possible.
Many people, especially of the younger generations, seem to be disregarding the government’s orders to remain six feet apart and separated from others as much as possible. These actions are what provoked the other group of people who believe the first group’s actions exhibit ignorance and are what is prolonging the situation.
The first group of people (let’s refer to them as group A), seem to believe that the Covid-19 outbreak is being exaggerated and that there is no need to remain quarantined. Due to this stance, authorities have already needed to break up multiple public gatherings as group A continues to go against the recent rules set in place for them.
On the other hand, the other group of people, (group B), has begun to voice their concerns about group A’s behavior. They have made it clear that they believe if the population of Americans who act as group A has been, then the outbreak will only get worse.
As of right now there is no way to know for sure whether or not group A’s disregard to the quarantine rules has heightened the confirmed cases; however, group B sure does seem to believe that is the case. Group A hasn’t let the backlash on their choices go unanswered as they’ve argued that quarantining doesn’t combat the issue, it only increases the damage being done on the United States economy.
Folks right here in Leominster Massachusetts are finding themselves on one side or another in this debate. Here’s what some of them had to say.
Leominster High School Senior Darian O’Brien is one of the people who fit into group A. As an essential worker, he finds himself interacting with numbers close to 200 people a day working at a grocery store.
When asked about his opinions on the outbreak he stated the following. “If I believe neither I nor my friends have the virus why can’t I hang out with them? But the state allows for me to come in contact with complete strangers at my job?”
O’Brien offers a valid perspective here and he isn’t the only one in Leominster who views it this way.
Leominster resident Tammy Reynolds is also an essential worker, however her job has ordered all employees to carry out their work from home. Reynolds has found herself falling into group B as she’s not only had to consider her vulnerability due to heart conditions, but also the well-being of her children and elderly mother as well.
When asked about her standings in this issue she expressed her feelings with concern.
“I feel strongly that if people would abide by the rules and restrictions then the threat would decline substantially,” she said. She also stated that she believes that the states need to become more in sync with each other when it comes to their quarantine rules and opening of businesses.
“It seems selfish for people to disregard those who have compromised immune systems or any other health conditions during this pandemic. We need to do better,” Reynolds said.
Both O’Brien and Reynolds present very interesting perspectives and contribute strongly to the question at hand. Who do you think had the stronger points? Do you think our world leaders are dealing with the issue efficiently?