Cold Classrooms Lead to Early Dismissal
Cartoon by Nora Swane
December 10, 2021
On December 8, 2021, the boiler at LHS was shut off for repairs. The repairs took longer than anticipated.
With temperatures plummeting into extremely low zones in classrooms, administration decided to send all students home at 12:30 pm. According to the Mass General Law Section 113, Chapter 149, “schools have to be kept at 66-68 degrees or higher in the classroom.” With temperatures outside consistently below freezing and hovering around 30 degrees, inside the temperature dropped into the low 60s and some rooms into the 50’s. But before students and faculty were sent home, they endured the cold temperatures for 5 hours, resorting to wearing multiple jackets at once, wrapped themselves in blankets, and some students were even lending their own coats to other students.
¨It felt like my toes were going to fall off because I was wearing my sandals with thin socks that day,¨said LHS Senior Emily Sweeney.
Which was a huge issue for many students who were dressed inappropriately for the cold weather, as they had anticipated the school to be a warm haven from the bitter cold outside. Some were in short sleeve shirts, ripped jeans, and even shorts. They were sorely disappointed.
¨I couldn’t pay attention in class because of how cold I was,¨ said LHS Senior Samuel Cavalheiro.
¨I feel like the school didn’t do enough, and take it as seriously as they should have,¨ stated LHS Senior Julia Christy.

Photo By Sabrina Chamorro