December 22, 2021
If you have looked around the school you must have seen teachers’ doors decorated in holiday joy.
The Life Skills class has a yearly contest in which teachers pay $5 to join the competition in who has the best decorated door. This year there have been 25 teachers that have taken part in this festive competition and so far Life Skills has raised $125 from this.
The money that is raised from this competition is used for the Life Skills class to apply the skills they have learned in the real world such as going to restaurants and ordering for themselves based on their dietary restrictions.
The teachers will get a chance to win a trophy that they get to keep for as long as they are the winner with chances to win a Dunkin’ gift card.
We have taken pictures of some of the doors throughout the school and seen some really creative ones like the Electronics one.
You can see some of the doors down below and you can decide on which you think the best door is.
We will find out the actual winner of the competition Wednesday, December 22 when the life skills teachers will go around the school and take pictures of the doors. Once they get all of the pictures taken they will present them to their class and have the class vote on which teacher has the best door.