Associate Justice Visits LHS
September 22, 2022
On Monday, September 19 Associate Justice David A. Lowy of the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court visited Leominster High School.
He spoke to René Lafayette along with his Street & Practical Law students.
“To host Mr. Justice Lowy and having him speak to my students was a graduate school level experience that kept students’ attention and engagement. It was an incredible opportunity for the LHS community to hear a jurist and teacher present without notes. but manage to interweave Hume, John Adams, De Tocqueville, Mark Twain, and Tennyson in his comments, all the while making connections on the topics of his remarks,” reported Lafayette.
The appearance of Justice Lowy falls on the school’s constitution day. He addressed the need for an independent judiciary and for the return of civility in America’s society today.
“The only way that our Constitutional Republic can survive is with an engaged, educated, electorate. We need an inspired electorate,” stated Lowy. “We don’t live in a ‘perfect union’ and the work of liberty is not done.”
Addressing the need for civility in society, Justice Lowy said, “We need to listen to people we disagree with. We don’t need to stay in our ‘echo chambers’ but rather disagree with people to their faces, not behind their backs.”
Lafayette explained the format of the Justice’s visit, recalling that Lowy began by speaking to assembled Law students.
There was then a question-and-answer session where he responded to students’ questions spanning from what inspired his career to what he enjoyed most about his position as one of seven members of the Commonwealth’s highest court.
LHS PrincipalDr. Joshua Romano, CTEi (Center for Technical Education innovation) Director and Principal Daniel Bachant, LHS Assistant Principal David Bachant, and CTEi Assistant Principal Christopher Kyne attended Lowy’s presentation.