Ever since 2020 and the Covid pandemic, the school system has drastically changed, starting from the workload to how the work is presented.
There were a number of things that everyone thought would “go back to normal,” including school, but just never did.
When we got dismissed from school March 13th, 2020 we were told we wouldn’t be back for two weeks; everyone was ready for a break. When those two weeks turned into two months, then almost a year, students and teachers wanted school back.
That didn’t become possible until April of 2021. After almost a year of online schooling, that was all students knew.
Unfortunately, school has not changed much since going back.
Most of us longed to be free from virtual learning, but even in person, our entire workload consisted mostly of digital and online work. Whether it be pdfs, notes, or even tests, it is almost all dealt with online.
I think this goes to show how teachers were affected by Covid-19. They found an easier way to deal with work without realizing how their students were actually retaining information.
Teaching online does not work. I don’t mean when teachers post articles to read or videos, but when they expect students to take tests and fill out worksheets after using online platforms to teach ourselves the content.
I do agree that online work has made things more convenient for grading and organizational purposes. Having all of my work in one place definitely helps me stay on top of things, if I understand the content.
I also noticed my teachers get their grades in faster and leave more feedback on my work this way.
But when administration begins to enforce curriculums that require teaching to be done through online sources, grading and organization don’t matter anymore.
I think most students this year can agree that the information we have actually retained is very little. Instead, we learned how to keep good grades, but not in the most intelligent ways.
We have learned how to find the easy way out and still pass. How to find and share answers.
To conclude, the teachers that keep on the track of only using their computers to teach their kids will only teach students how to get work done and not what we should be actually learning.
I don’t know if they realize how detrimental having students teach themselves so much online is to their learning, but hopefully it will be noticed.
Let’s go back to offline teaching.