The Devil’s Advocate interviewed several Life Skills students, for an inside scoop on what they have been working on for the past 7 weeks.
Joe Liddy a popular peer, will be singing and dancing to a Kane Brown song.
Amber Walls will be dancing in a Columbian dress.
Lydia Barbaro is singing, wearing her beautiful white dress, leggings, and shoes.
LHS Staff member Tracy Mason is new to the high school this year. From her time at the middle school, Mason knew many of the students in the talent show.
She said, “I’ve known them since they were in sixth grade and so, you see them grow, you see their confidence, I’ve seen some of my students make friendships with other students that they wouldn’t normally see, you see them come out of their shells, you see a different side.”
Garrett Tatel is singing “You’re Welcome” by Dwane “the Rock” Johnson.
Eliyah Troche co-hosted the talent show and danced.
The talent show, as always, was well received and the students at LHS were very excited for the performance.