The National Honor Society’s annual blood drive with Massachusetts General Hospital was a great success! See how the donation goes through the eyes of a donor.
When entering the blood drive located in the hallway of the gym and auditorium, you are greeted by student volunteers as well as the leaders of our schools NHS Advisors Mary Faye Fields and Nila D’Aniello. Senior Anna Manchester (middle) is holding the pink paper that donors must quickly fill out before giving blood.

Next to the volunteers, there was a broad range of snacks such as homemade cookies and peanut butter crackers, as well as juice, all to raise the donor’s sugar after donating blood. Water was also available to donors who wanted any while sitting down for a few minutes to rest before going back to class.
Senior Hannah Hartman shows off her arm after donating blood.(Abigail Kelly)
Many volunteers also took the pleasure of donating themselves for the blood drive. Senior Hannah Hartman was proud to show off her great deed.

When it is your turn to donate, a volunteer will guide you out the doors to the “blood bus”.

When arriving on the bus, the phlebotomist, or who draws your blood, welcomes you through the door and does an overview check with you to make sure everything is secure for your safety of giving blood and your blood itself. This is by checking your blood pressure and blood itself with a finger prick, that doesn’t hurt a bit!
Once everything is checked, you are explained the importance of giving blood and how helpful it can be for people in need. “Your one pint of blood can save up to 3 lives,” said the Massachusetts General Hospital Phlebotomist.

When seated by your phlebotomist, they explain how this process can normally take around 5-15 minutes. During this time you can sit and use your phone, rest your eyes, or even just relax. My personal time taken from donating was 6 minutes.
Please be advised to make sure you are completely hydrated and fed before donating. One pint of blood is around 10% of your full capacity of blood, so make sure you are properly full of nutrients before giving blood.

After you are done donating, an assistant on the blood drive bus takes you to the front to sit with a juice to raise your sugar. You may be weak for a few minutes, but if properly hydrated and fed, that should go right away.

Once feeling better, a volunteer walks back up to the bus to assist you back into the school to eat the sweets made by the volunteers. During this time, you are to sit and relax for around 15 minutes to rest your body before going back to class.
As told by NHS volunteers, NHS administrators and the phlebotomists of Massachusetts General Hospital, it is a great deed for yourself and others in need to give blood. The process was a walk in the park, and for the great help it gives to others, totally worth it.
Give blood today at the Massachusetts General Hospital Blood Donor Center in Boston!