By 2030 AI is predicted to replace 30% of jobs traditionally done by humans. The rise of AI is unprecedented, and students are now embracing this rapidly evolving technology. Tools like Grammarly and other similar grammar-checking platforms have been around for a while, but the industry is changing at lightning speed.
Today, AI tools have entered the academic world, presenting a new challenge for educators. These tools not only change how students approach work, but also add to the growing distractions in classrooms, making it harder for educators to capture and hold their students’ attention.
Which in all honesty, is an unfair bargain. With social media, games, a whole new universe in the palm of students’ hands— a virtual parallel reality— there is no way for an educator to compete with that.
AI can add another layer to the problem.
The Friend
AI has undeniably transformed education, providing tools for students to grasp complex concepts in a way they can understand. For instance, my favorite use of AI is having it generate a set of vocabulary words in the languages I’m learning and formulating sentences with those words and then have AI correct it and give me feedback on what I can improve on.
This opens the way for my favorite argument “Pro-AI”. It allows students to have a 24/7 tutor available to them at no cost. Although AI can be helpful in situations like that, people also use it as a shortcut to get the work done faster. This raises the question: Where do we draw the line between learning truly and taking a shortcut that might just weaken our skills in the long run?
The truth is, the more we rely on AI to think for us, the more we risk essential skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity being lost. According to, test scores already show a decline in math and reading capabilities. I fear the over-reliance on AI might accelerate this trend. Are we graduating students who can think for themselves, or simply individuals that know how to prompt an AI for answers?
The Foe
The temptation to use these tools to cut corners can be overwhelming, especially for students juggling multiple assignments and responsibilities. But taking the easy way out might come at a very high cost: genuine learning.
What is even more concerning is the broader societal impact. If future generations grow up unable to think critically or formulate concepts independently, what kind of workforce, society, or leaders will we have? Will our society turn into a real-life dystopian society?
Not to mention the need for retraining for a workforce replaced by AI.
The Verdict
AI is neither entirely a friend nor fully a foe; it’s a tool. Like any tool, its impact depends on how we choose to use it. Used wisely, it can be an incredible ally in education, helping students achieve the next level more efficiently. But overused or misused, it risks creating a society that values convenience over competence.
Isn’t our society already seeking convenience over competence and quality?
The challenge for students, educators, and society at large is to find the perfect equilibrium.