The School Paper is Back!

Jason Monge, Reporter

The school paper disappeared last year after Covid 19 forced the  2020-2021 school year to go remote. But now it is has reappeared to bring joy to the students.

Once Leominster Highschool went down because of  the COVID outbreak, the students needed something to look forward to and become aware of what’s happening around the school.

As we spread the word about the paper, I asked a couple students if they knew we had a school paper. The upper classmen were interested, but the under classmen were not sure.

LHS Senior Julianna Ossai


LHS Senior Julianna Ossai  said “I had no idea that we had a school newspaper, I don’t know where to get it or who writes it.”

When asked “How do you feel now that you know we have a school paper, she responded “It’s interesting that we do. I would maybe take a look at it to see what’s in it.”







LHS Sophomore Kelvin Negron


Sophomore Kelvin Negron had a different perspective on having a school newspaper, since he wasn’t in the school at the time, he didn’t know we had one. When asked if he would read it he said, “ Nah I wouldn’t read it, I don’t really care much about it.” But after thinking for it a moment, he said ” but I guess it’s interesting.”