The New Dean in Town

Richard Ernst and Michael Dwyer

 On May 25 we interviewed CTEI Dean James Kelly and asked him how the change from math teacher to dean has been.

When we asked him why he became a Dean from being a math teacher he said, “when the CTEI dean position opened up, I decided that I wanted to make a change in my career path.”

Before becoming the Dean he was a math teacher for 20 years, however he still continues to help students with SAT preparation.

We then asked Kelly how his first year as dean was and he said “I’ve enjoyed the challenge and the change,” and he has enjoyed trying to make an impact on certain students. 

When we asked him, is the job how you thought it would be, coming from a math teacher to a dean he felt as if there is always more to be done. He said, “As a teacher you would teach your 5 classes and be done and go home.”

He said he expected some parts of the job and knew there was plenty of challenges, but the most surprising part of the job he had to deal with was the amount of fights. 

When we asked him if he missed being a math teacher, he said, “I loved being a math teacher but still enjoy my current position, and I could see myself being a math teacher again before I’m done.”

LHS CTEi Dean James Kelly (Richard Ernst and Michael Dwyer)