EDITOR’S NOTE: This is part of a series called “When I Was 17,” where we speak with LHS staff members to learn about their high school experiences.
Barry Hudson is the Dean of Students at Leominster High. He is in charge of student discipline and helps guide students in the right direction when they are struggling.
Before that he was the Band Director. Way before that, he was a high school student right here at LHS.
A graduate of the class of 1985, when Hudson was younger, he attended Leominster High School and participated in many activities. He loved hanging out with his friends after school every day.
“I had a really tight friend group, so we used to have a great time in high school going to football games, basketball games and all the school celebrations,” he said.
He was a very involved person within the school community.
Barry’s after school activities consisted of swimming, playing football, and playing in the band.
He was your average high school student.
Hudson told us, “I was a solid B student. When I applied myself, I could do better, could do an A.”
Not only was Hudson involved in multiple sports and extracurriculars, but he also worked a job at Anderson Little during his senior year.
“I loved that job because it enabled me to get a car early,” Hudson said. His first car was a 1970 Ford Pinto.
Hudson was a very active, put-in-the-work, type of student and his hard work continues now as part of the administration at Leominster High School.
Something Hudson has to say to the students turning 17 this year is “I would try to limit the amount of phone and social media… I’d apply myself now, so you can do bigger and better things as you get older.”