Dress Code Drama
November 11, 2021
As we return back to in-person school after being online for nearly the last two years, many problems are arising, one being the dress code.
The most recent student handbook that refers to the school’s dress code is from the school year of 2019-2020, on page fifty five-fifty six:
“No clothing or jewelry which can cause disruption may be worn, including but not limited to:
- Tube tops, halter tops, tops that bare any part of the body chest to waist, or short skirts/ short shorts;
- Clothing that intentionally reveals, or is worn in a manner to reveal undergarments;
- Hats, caps, hoods, bandanas, scarves or other headgear, with exception given for medical and religious reasons;
- Clothing, jewelry, or related apparel which refers to alcohol, drugs, tobacco, profanity, sexual connotations, or which have a suggestive double-meaning or inappropriate message;
- Chains worn on pants, protruding studs from clothing, or sharp objects on clothing or jewelry will not be permitted due to the potential for damage and/or injury;
- Items worn or displayed that refer to affiliation with gangs or illegal activities;
- Heavy winter coats worn indoors”
It also states in the student handbook:
“Students will have the opportunity to correct the offensive appearance or attire before being disciplined. Building administrators shall have within their authority the right to determine inappropriate dress, and to discipline students for repeated infractions.”
Many students, however, think that the dress code is “sexist” and “ridiculous” since they mostly target the girls rather than the boys.
“It’s just there so the boys or the teachers at our school…you know, control themselves,” said LHS Senior Alexandra “Alex” Mulone. “I think having us change the way we live and the way we dress for someone else is not right.”
Having been stopped for a dress code violation earlier this year, Alex said she believes the dress code isn’t fair and is extremely sexist.
She described the incident. She said she was walking to physics class when one of the male teachers pulled her aside and told her to cover up.
“I said sure and put a jacket on and walked to class,” she said.
Alex said that she wasn’t being disrespectful about it, but said that it aggravated her that people wear less clothing than her and not get dress-coded.

“I had an inch and a half of my stomach showing and I got told to cover up and I was really frustrated because it’s like I left the house and I did not want to think to myself ‘is what I’m wearing today going to offend somebody? Is it going to ruin somebody’s day?’ I thought I looked fine, and I didn’t see a reason why I got dressed coded,’” she said.
She was walking to physics class when one of the male teachers pulled her aside and told her to cover up.
“I said sure and put a jacket on and walked to class,” she said.
Alex says that she wasn’t being disrespectful about it, but said that it aggravates her as people will wear less clothing than her and not get dress-coded.
She also said that she has not seen or heard of any guys getting stopped for a dress code violation.
Senior Haleigh Cormier, another student here at LHS, thinks that the school is taking it too far, stating that it’s not the students who are the issue, but rather the teachers.
“Just ‘cause we dress up because we feel confident with ourselves, does not mean that we are looking for the attention and it should not affect our school’s education,” she said.
She too has been stopped for a dress code violation on multiple occasions, especially when it came to her shoulders being exposed.
“I was literally wearing sweatpants and just a tank top. It was spaghetti straps because I was comfortable. I could not wake up that morning and was running late. I grabbed a sweater, put on clothes, and walked out the door. (The teacher) wanted to dress code me because of my shoulder, which was the only thing that was showing and I was just sitting there like, ‘why?’”
Haleigh said she also has not seen any guys being stopped for dress code violations.
“I’ve seen guys that have tank tops that drop low on the sides, and you can see their nipples falling out. You see them with inappropriate shorts,” said Haleigh.
One male student, who also wished to stay anonymous, stated that he thought the dress code was “stupid.”
“Like once I was chilling in the cafeteria and it was really hot, so I took off my jacket and some girl sat at the same table, did the same thing, and she got told to put it back on even though it was hot. I’m just like ‘you’re making her feel uncomfortable, we don’t come into school to feel uncomfortable.’”
Some people on the other hand think that the dress code is fair.
Freshman Kayleigh Johnson said “I would say it’s pretty fair. Some things are a little overrated with girls in jeans and like having their rips, but for the most part, they (the staff) really don’t really care. So they’re not going too hard on the girls. I feel like the dress code is pretty even now.”
We asked her if she has been dressed coded or knew anyone who had been:
“Yes, I have been dress coded twice for showing my belly button and my shoulders and my friend, Lola, got dress coded for showing too much cleavage.”
“Have you seen any guys being dress coded here?” we asked.
“Yes, for wearing a white tank top,” she said.
We were able to have the chance to sit down and speak to Dr. Steven Dubzinski, the Principal of LHS to ask him what he thought about the dress code policy.
“I always think of school as a setting where we should be professionally dressed and I look at it as a business atmosphere,” he said “I think kids should come dressed appropriately. What that means for different people is different. I get that times are changing a little bit in terms of what they dressed like, but I think (school) needs to be a respectful setting, much like a church setting. Would you wear it to work? Would you wear it to school? Those are my three things, if you wear your outfit to church, school and work, then I’m okay with it. I also don’t want to be crazy about it and for the most part, when I’ve approached students — let’s be honest, males, their pants are too low. If that’s the issue and females maybe it’s a revealing tank top, but when I’ve approached students, I would say 99% of them, (have) been very respectful and say ‘I understand.’ I appreciate that and then they go on.”
When asked whether he felt the policy was affecting females more than males or was it even in his eyes, he said “I think it’s pretty much (the same). I think years ago it was more males with their pants. I think that has slowed down a little bit in terms of not wearing a belt, and I get it you know? I understand. I don’t want to belittle or degrade females or males for that matter. I don’t want to end self-expression and I think that’s important for kids to have an identity, but I do think we’re in a school setting.”
Dubzinski’s advice to students who are found to be in violation of the dress code: “I ask them if they would either, boys to pull up their pants to an appropriate length, and girls if they had a sweatshirt or something else to cover up. You know a lot of times they have a flannel over something that might be a bit revealing and I say ‘Would you just mind (covering up)’ and again 99% are great.
He added “If people disagree with me, (my) door is always open. I think these conversations are healthy.”
If you would like to contribute to this conversation, please let the staff at the Devil’s Advocate know.